Because Vicious Malware Attacks are Increasing, and Exploiting Remote Systems,
You Need to Back Up Your Data Right Now
Mainstream news services are so full of virus-related stories that you may not have noticed: Cyber-criminal attacks are on the increase, taking advantage of systems’ vulnerabilities to cash in. A few examples:
- A recent article in Wired reports “… Microsoft researchers often observed attackers … exploiting unpatched vulnerabilities in victims’ web infrastructure. They saw some hackers … exploiting flaws in remote management features like remote desktop systems. Attackers also targeted vulnerabilities and insecure configurations of Microsoft’s own products. Attackers could guess passwords of organizations using Remote Desktop Protocol without multifactor authentication or exploit known bugs in Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Exchange servers that victims had neglected to patch.” (italics mine)
- notes “While organisations can take plenty of steps to ensure employees are well-equipped to work remotely in a secure manner, threat actors of all stripes are already taking advantage of the COVID19/coronavirus situation. Never ones to miss an opportunity, attackers are ramping up operations to spread malware via Covid19-themed emails, apps, websites, and social media.” The article goes on to list the insidious methods criminals use to gain access to IT systems.
- In an Irish Times article, Ireland’s National Cyber Security Centre (the organisation responsible for advising the Government on cybersecurity issues) notes a sharp increase in malware: “The key threats to organisations during the response to Covid-19 stem from the phishing, social engineering and remote access threat. These are not new threats, but with large numbers of staff working from home, there may be additional vulnerabilities where existing IT security services do not extend to remote devices, and where remote working was implemented under time pressure.”
Back Up Your Data Now
The increased threat of attack also increases the risk to your organization’s most valuable data assets. Successful malware attacks can not only result in direct financial outlay (if you fall victim to Ransomware) but can also result in the destruction of data held on your IT systems.
Backing up data has never been so important. For more information on Backup and Disaster
Recovery Services from DB Computer Solutions, please contact us: 061 480980