Irish retailers considering a new or updated Electronic Point of Sale Solution (EPoS) are confronted with a variety of choices. You can choose stand-alone units with decentralised software in which each Till acts like an island and does not necessarily – or accurately – collate daily transaction data among multiple tills.
You can choose a networked solution where all Till data is polled daily. But often Till systems are not necessarily linked to an Accounting solution. This means someone in your business has to spend time manually punching numbers into your accounts. Systems of this type don’t necessarily provide the deep level of management information you might need to run your retail company. Too, it may not provide you with the flexibility and agility you require to react quickly to new opportunities or competitive threats.
But there is a third option: a fully-integrated EPoS Solution in which EPoS software, hardware, and accounting systems communicate seamlessly.
The Benefits of a Fully-Integrated EPoS Solution
A fully-integrated solution combining Till software, hardware, and accounting delivers a number of outstanding benefits:
Continual Till Polling – all transactions carried out across your network of Tills is automatically migrated back to the EPoS software, and in turn, to the Accounting Software.
Increased Efficiency and Productivity – no longer do you have to spend time manually transferring retail transaction data from Tills to your Accounting System. An integrated solution does it for you to save money and minimise the possibility of human error.
Deep Management Insight – depending on your Integrated EPoS Solution, a variety of management reports are available instantly. For instance, you can see if special offers or promotions are resulting in more sales and a larger share of wallet. You can determine daily turnover quickly. You can learn if the addition of specific new product lines meets your sales and margin expectations.
This is the type of data you require to effectively manage your retail product portfolio to maximise sales and profits.
Stock Update and Control – because the systems are integrated, you have your fingers on the pulse of your business instantly. Assuming your accounting software contains a stock module, you’ll be able to add stock to the accounting system line item by line item, set prices and margins, and do it instantly upon delivery. In turn, each time retail staff sells a product, stock is automatically subtracted. With integrated systems, you’re in a position to know exactly what items are available, how many, and at what retail price and margin. With an integrated solution (properly deployed) you’ll never again risk stock-outs for critically profitable line items.
As importantly, an integrated EPoS solution helps you accurately track what lines are selling and what are not, as well as what lines are profitable and which ones should be discontinued. In short, an intelligently designed and deployed integrated EPoS solution pays for itself by maximising profitability.
Easily Meet Compliance – an integrated EPoS solution enables you to easily meet all Revenue compliance by migrating vital sales data directly into your accounting system. The solution tracks VAT generated and due as a result of sales (and at what rate), and VAT paid out to creditors. Accurate data consolidation means you’ll never overpay – or underpay – VAT again.
Too, generating month-end and annual accounts is quick and painless.
Taking Control – combining all of these benefits means a substantial gain for retail business owners throughout Ireland: You stay in control of your retail business, enabling your company to reap substantial rewards.
By integrating state-of-the-art EPoS systems (including software and hardware) with robust Accounting solutions, your business will maximise profitability, minimise costs, and help you stay one step ahead of the competition.
But You May Have a Challenge with Foreign EPoS Suppliers
Unfortunately for Irish retailers, few companies based in Ireland have deep experience regarding integrated EPoS solutions. Often, Irish retailers have to go abroad for consultancy, sales and support.
This, of course, can present ongoing problems. Suppliers located outside the state may not understand the issues you face. And if problems arise, you need a solution right now, not later.
Fortunately, we offer a local alternative.
Deep Local Knowledge Delivers
EPoS for Sage Accounting from DB Computer Solutions
DB Computer Solutions is a leader in EPoS solutions for Ireland. As an Irish company with over 20 years experience, we understand the unique challenges faced by Irish retail business. Which means we can effectively contribute to your business success.
By integrating Sage Accounting systems – including Sage 50, Sage 50c and Sage 200 – with our best-of-breed EPoS software and hardware systems, we help retailers throughout Ireland to stay in control. See our EPoS for Sage Accounting brochure for deeper insight into our solutions and capabilities.
DB Computer Solutions also offers a complete range of complementary services including Consultancy, Training and full Deployment and Support.
For more information on EPoS from DB Computer Solutions go to Or contact us now, Email: Tel: 061 480 980.