Ransomware and Malware to Become Greater Threats Throughout 2018

Ransomware and Malware to Become Greater Threats Throughout 2018

(Backup Your Critical Data Now to Protect Your Business)

In a recent article published by Bitdefender, security tech junkie Filip Truta points out that businesses should treat the threat of Ransomware and malicious Malware attacks just like an imminent hard drive failure. Both threats have frightening potential consequences.

He offers multiple reasons for his thinking:

  • GDPR Legislation – pending GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) requires any business holding personal data on their IT systems to fully protect that data from intruders. Fines for non-compliance are up to 4% of the previous year’s turnover, or €20 million, whichever is bigger. The upshot is: Irish businesses must protect their data now. And that includes religiously backing up data. (For more about the GDPR see our interview with security expert Ciaran Molumby.)

  • Ransomware and malicious Malware intrusions are expected to increase in frequency and become even more sophisticated throughout 2018. Criminal efforts in this area has reaped huge rewards for the perpetrators. Coupled with global-political threats, Ransomware (and other developers of malicious intrusions) are likely to double-down on their efforts.

  • In the event of a successful attack your entire IT infrastructure – including all hardware, software applications, and data – could be compromised. In other words, and as Filip advises: a successful attack is on par with a major hard drive failure. If a hard drive fails in your IT system, critical applications and data may be unavailable, and possibly destroyed. The end result? Your business could be compromised.

Similarly, if a vicious and relentless Ransomware, Malware, or DDoS attack is successful, it could literally stop your business in its tracks. What’s more, you could be subject to fines and prosecution from GDPR regulators if data is stolen.

What You Must Do

First, fully protect your IT systems. This includes:

  1. Full hardware security

  2. Full network security

  3. Continual periodic backups of vital data

  4. Block fake messages received via email

  5. Use Malware and DDoS protection services

  6. Update Internet and browser security. Often.

  7. Do no open email you do not recognise

  8. Implement a robust Disaster Recovery program. Just in case the worst happens.

Data and IT infrastructure security and protection are no longer luxuries. A successful attack could significantly cost your business. Or… it could put you out of business entirely.

Protect Your Company from Potential Disaster

DB Computer Solutions can help your company mitigate the nightmare of an attack.  Our Backup, Data Protection, and Disaster Recovery solutions protect your most valuable data in the event of malicious intrusion.  Our Veeam capabilities ensure vital Virtual Machines remain always available even in the face of vicious attacks.

Additionally, our experienced IT Managed Services teams can advise you on how to prepare for the worst, while also getting the most out of your IT systems and applications.

To protect your data go to http://www.dbcomp.ie/products/backup-and-disaster-recovery for more information.

Or contact us now:  Tel: 061 480 980, Email: info@dbcomp.ie

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