Protecting Vital Assets
Backup & Disaster Recovery
Take steps against criminal attacks with our trusted services

DB Computer Solutions offers a comprehensive range of preventative data protection, backup, and disaster recovery solutions and services to mitigate against malicious criminal attack.
Backup and Recovery Benefits
Malicious criminal attacks on IT data and infrastructure cost businesses millions every year due to downtime, lost data, and the price of rebuilding IT systems and information.
- Trusted, experienced teams use latest on-site and off-site backup technologies to protect your assets in the event of attack
- Minimise potential losses if your business is hit by malicious threats
- Learn to take actions now to safeguard your irreplaceable IT assets
What Happens if Your Business Data Suddenly Disappeared?
Critical data is exactly that: critical. The corruption or loss of data can impede workflows, disappoint customers due to disruption in service levels, undermine profitability and – in worse case scenarios – destroy a business. Yet many companies fail to put into place adequate Data Protection, Backup, and Disaster Recovery technologies and processes.
DB Computer Solutions is committed to this area. Our range of backup solutions drives automatic, real-time backup of critical datasets and Virtual Machines. Full Disaster Recovery solutions deliver automatic failover between replicated network solutions for always-on availability even in the event of a crisis.
Why Does Your Business Need Comprehensive Backup Policies and Procedures?
The prevalence of malicious attacks on everything from infrastructure to websites and data files is always accelerating. Statistics bear this out:
- Ransomware attacks are spiraling out of control – 1 in every 2 businesses have already been blackmailed by ransomware pirates, costing millions globally every year. Recently, we heard of a local Irish company who had to pay pirates thousands of euro for the return of critically important data which those thugs had stolen
- DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks are up by 35% year-on-year – yet most companies fail to adequately protect infrastructure and data assets. But when a DDoS attack strikes it can destroy an organization’s ability to conduct business.
- Over 1 billion data records were compromised last year due to malware attacks alone – attacks that can destroy workflows, customer service levels, and profitability. Attacks that can lead to insolvency and closure.
And yet –
- Engineers Onsite – our SLAs deliver an engineer onsite in less than 4 hours to overcome any other difficulty
What are the Costs?
Every day, the technology press reports the grim results of malicious attacks. In February 2017, the largest DDoS attack ever recorded struck thousands of organizations around the world. Hackers have been accused of attempting to manipulate the recent U.S. election. In India, local services were completely disrupted including fire and policing capabilities. Major companies including The New York Times, Twitter, PayPal, and Verizon were hit in late 2016, costing them millions.
Cybercrime is escalating. Criminals are reported to have cost the global economy circa €500+ million every year.
But just because you may own a small- to mid-sized business does not mean you won’t be a target for malicious attacks. Many DDoS and similar attacks are fully automated. They look for a chink in your infrastructure and database defences. When they find one, their opportunistic attacks will hit you full tilt and could compromise your company’s very existence.
The size of an organization makes no difference. If an automated attack detects an infrastructure weakness, it will fully exploit it.
What to Do to Prevent Disaster?
Backup and Recovery Services from DB Computer Solutions
DB Computer Solutions offers a comprehensive range of preventative Data Protection, Backup, and Disaster Recovery Solutions:
Roadmapping – we’ll work with your company to design a cost-effective, automated Data Protection, Backup and Disaster Recovery Solution to fully protect your data, no matter your company’s size.
Implementation – having agreed on a Data Protection, Backup, and DR strategy, we’ll work closely with your business to implement an ongoing process to fully protect your data, and ensure always-on availability should an attack occur.
Fully Supported – DB Computer Solutions provides complete support for our customer’s Data Protection, Backup, and Disaster Recovery solutions. We’re always there when you need us.
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