IT Managed Services

We Promise Dependable Support for the Critical IT Needs of Ireland’s Small- to Medium-Sized Businesses
Can you afford to have your IT infrastructure stop running?
Every business, no matter how big or small, depends on IT infrastructure to keep working. If problems occur your business could be at serious risk because you may no longer be able to serve your end-customers. Yet still many companies don’t have a reliable IT Support Partner to keep critical infrastructure and software up and running.
We’re There When You Need Us Most: A True Story
Last year we received an urgent call. A company who was not our customer had been badly let down by their third-party IT support service. And they were in trouble: their IT systems had failed. They were losing thousands of euro in revenue because they could not serve their end-customers.And to make matters worse: it was snowing buckets and no one could get there.But DB Computer Solutions did. Our engineer battled his way through closed roads to make the call. He got this customer’s troublesome systems up and running in no time.We were there when no one else would bother. Which is why our customers say:If you’re looking for dependability, look no further than DB Computer Solutions.
As importantly: we’ve found that many small to medium-sized companies either cannot find dependable IT support – or believe they can’t afford it.
DB Computer Solutions focuses specifically on the affordable provision of IT Managed Services for small to medium sized companies.
If you do not currently have in-house or out-of-house IT support services, or have been disappointed in that level of support, we hope you’ll consider DB Computer Solutions.
An Affordable Solution
A Menu of Dependable Capabilities
With an Affordable IT Managed Services contract, you get the peace of mind you need with a package of support from DB Computer Solutions:
- Dedicated customer support
- Solid Rings of Response for Quick Resolution
- Remote Support provides a first line of defence if problems arise
- Engineers Onsite – our SLAs deliver an engineer onsite in less than 4 hours to overcome any other difficulty
Dependable Results: 9 of 10 support calls are resolved in 2 hours or less
- Desktop and software application management
- Software updates and application of critical patches
- Pre-planned Preventative Health Checks to ensure hardware and related software is maintained in good running order
- Security and protection – to prevent Ransomware, DDoS, and other malicious viruses from infiltrating your systems, software, and infrastructure
- Backup and Disaster Recovery – for full protection of critical data and infrastructure. If your systems are ever struck by a malicious attack we work efficiently to restore data to get you up and running quickly
- Remote Off-site Backup Processes – as part of a comprehensive backup programme, DB Computer Solutions can implement nightly remote backup routines for all, or a selection of, customer data. Fully managed and executed by DB Computer Solutions Engineers, Remote Off-site provides the protection your business needs.
- Hardware replacement – in the event your hardware becomes disabled, DB Computer Solutions will keep you up and running by loaning replacements until hardware has been repaired
Related: Why are backups so important? Read how Ransomware and related malicious attacks cost businesses thousands every day and why you need backup protection now.
Never Go Over Budget
DB Computer Solutions constantly reviews ongoing costs incurred and notifies you if you are approaching agreed budget limits. You can then decide to add additional budget, or not. With IT Managed Services from DB Computer Solutions, you are always in control.
Deep Resources to Deliver a Mission of Care
DB Computer Solutions employs a team of 7 highly skilled and experienced IT Managed Services Engineers. While their deep skill-sets are of critical importance to you, know that their commitment drives our Mission: we truly care about our customers. Our engineers will never walk away if you’re stuck. Instead, they work tirelessly to ensure your IT systems work when you need them most.
24/7 Commitment with Premium Support
Our Mission translates into a simple commitment: we’re there for you when you need us most. What’s more, if your business operates in an environment where always-available infrastructure is a must and downtime intolerable, we’re there to support you with 24/7 Premium Support. If disaster strikes and your IT infrastructure experiences disruption, you have the comfort of knowing DB Computer Solutions Engineers are right there to help, around the clock. For more information on Premium IT Managed Services from DB Computer Solutions, contact us.
DB Computer Solutions also supports our customers with a wide range of related services including the design and deployment of IT Hardwaresolutions, EPoS to meet the needs of Irish retailers, Backup and Disaster Recovery, Off-Site Cloud Backup, a full range of Integrated Applications such as Barscan, our range of Sage solutions including Sage 50c, Sage 200cloud Standards, and Sage 200cloud Professional, as well as Sage Training.
View a related case study
Case Study:
See how Central Auctions Supports IT Infrastructure with Reliable IT Managed Services from DB Computer Solutions
For more information on IT Managed Services from DB Computer Solutions
Contact : 061 480980 or